Online documentation - WebsydianExpress v3.0 |
Unknown event &1 was rejected. Check site settings, if the object is in the right folder, if the request is intra- or extranet.
&1 - The identification of the event
The dispatcher has been called with a request to call the event handler function with the implementation name &1.
As the event is not registered as a valid event it has not been called - instead an error message has been shown to the user.
There can be three different reasons for this.
If the site had been in learning mode the event would have been registered automatically - when it is not, the event has to be registered before the system will allow it to be executed.
Even though the site is in learning mode the system only allows requests from inside the intranet to register events.
So if the request came from outside the intranet the event has not been registered - and it has not been executed.
Of security reasons a event can only be registered if the corresponding program object is found in one specific library/folder. If the object is not present in the folder the event is not registered and it was not executed.
(The reason for this is to avoid e.g. calls to Windows system APIs in the system folder).
Check whether the site is in learning mode - this information is found on the site settings.
If the site is a production site you will probably not want the site to be in learning mode - so you will have to create/move the events as described in the documentation for the administration interface.
If you want the site to be in learning mode you can change this on the site settings.
Check whether the path specified in "Site Settings->Library for created events" is correct - and whether the program object for the event actually exists in this folder/library. Please note that it is always a possibility that the event should not exist (maybe it should not have been moved to production yet) - in this case you must investigate where the event was called from.
You should also check whether the IP intranet mask from the site settings is correct. If it is it could be that the event was activated from outside the intranet. The easy way to solve this is to activate the event once from inside the intranet - this registers the event - and the event can then be used from both inside and outside the intranet.
If you have used an URL starting with http://localhost to access your application in the browser - the request will be registered as coming from the IP address This means that even though the IP address of the PC running the browser is inside the mask defined in the site settings - the request for the registration of the event will be rejected. Either use the network name or IP address for the PC in the URL - or change the IP address to be
This will occur if somebody has tried to activate a function,
which is not registered as a valid event.
Please note that this might have been done as part of an attempt to
gain illegal access to the site - especially if the name of the
event corresponds to Windows system DLLs.
In most cases this message will be preceded in the message log by another message stating a more precise message.